Muy bueno!!! Cosas que a veces pasan desapercibidas e incluso son vistas como innovadoras pese a no ser más que una miopía de la realidad. Muchas gracias Sergio!! Un abrazo
Necesito releer este post lentamente. Pero releyendo a los clásicos: Te recomiendo que en algún momento eches un vistazo a George Santayana, lo conocerás por “Aquellos que no pueden recordar el pasado están condenados a repetirlo”, era antidemocrático (pobreza urbanizadora), materialista (gratitud a la belleza) y rechazaba el progreso (el conocimiento está siempre en los clásicos).
George Santayana was a Spanish-American philosopher, essayist, poet, and novelist.
He is known for his work on aesthetics, ethics, and the philosophy of history.
He is considered one of the most important figures in American philosophy.
George Santayana was born in Madrid, Spain, in 1863. He moved to the United States with his family when he was eight years old. He studied at Harvard University and later taught there for many years. Santayana's work is characterized by its elegant prose, its deep insights into human nature, and its skepticism about the claims of reason.
Example Sentence:
"George Santayana's famous quote, 'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,' is a reminder of the importance of history."
Muy bueno!!! Cosas que a veces pasan desapercibidas e incluso son vistas como innovadoras pese a no ser más que una miopía de la realidad. Muchas gracias Sergio!! Un abrazo
Gracias a ti por estar al otro lado.
Necesito releer este post lentamente. Pero releyendo a los clásicos: Te recomiendo que en algún momento eches un vistazo a George Santayana, lo conocerás por “Aquellos que no pueden recordar el pasado están condenados a repetirlo”, era antidemocrático (pobreza urbanizadora), materialista (gratitud a la belleza) y rechazaba el progreso (el conocimiento está siempre en los clásicos).
La frase es mítica. Parece que no escribió ningún libro ni nada. Leeré sobre él :)
George Santayana was a Spanish-American philosopher, essayist, poet, and novelist.
He is known for his work on aesthetics, ethics, and the philosophy of history.
He is considered one of the most important figures in American philosophy.
George Santayana was born in Madrid, Spain, in 1863. He moved to the United States with his family when he was eight years old. He studied at Harvard University and later taught there for many years. Santayana's work is characterized by its elegant prose, its deep insights into human nature, and its skepticism about the claims of reason.
Example Sentence:
"George Santayana's famous quote, 'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,' is a reminder of the importance of history."